Unlocking Spiritual Wisdom: Pondering and Applying Counsel from Prophets

First Seminary Class of the year 2024

In our early morning Seminary class today, we learned the importance of receiving and following God’s prophet.

Prophets do not always share messages that are popular with the world, but their teachings and warnings demonstrate the Lord’s love for His people. Lehi was called by God to preach repentance to the people of Jerusalem. Despite his pleas and warnings, they rejected his words and sought to kill him. 

One truth we can learn from Lehi’s example is that God calls prophets to warn of consequences of sin and to testify of Jesus Christ.

Here are some guidance on how to ponder and apply counsel from prophets:
1. Create a Study Journal: Start by setting up a study journal where you can record your thoughts, impressions, and insights from your study of the prophets' warnings. This journal will serve as a valuable resource for reflection and growth.

2. Seek Guidance from Heavenly Father: Begin your study and reflection with a sincere prayer, asking for Heavenly Father's help and guidance through the Holy Ghost. Invite Him to help you identify specific ways you can better heed the counsel of the prophets.

3. Review Recent Warnings: Take time to review the recent warnings given by the prophets. Read and ponder their messages, paying close attention to any personal impressions or feelings that come to you as you study.

4. Identify Personal Application: As you study, reflect on your own life and circumstances. Consider how the warnings from the prophets relate to your own thoughts, actions, and habits. Identify areas where you can make improvements and align your life more closely with their counsel.

5. Record Inspired Ideas: As you prayerfully study and ponder, write down any inspired ideas or promptings that come to your mind. These may be specific actions or changes you can make to better heed the counsel of the prophets.

6. Select One Application: After recording your ideas, prayerfully select one specific application that resonates with you the most. Choose something that you feel is both realistic and meaningful for your personal growth. This will allow you to focus your efforts and make tangible progress.

7. Act and Evaluate: Once you have selected an application, take action on it and implement it into your life. Regularly evaluate your progress and make adjustments as needed. Continually seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost to help you stay on course and make necessary changes along the way.
The process of heeding counsel from prophets is a personal journey. It requires sincere effort, humility, and a willingness to change. By seeking Heavenly Father's help and acting on the inspired ideas you receive, you can more carefully heed the counsel of the prophets and experience personal growth and spiritual blessings.

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