Looking Back On My Own Teenage Years
Thinking back when I was teen helps me to relate to teens today especially to my own teenage children. In my youth, there were many things I enjoyed being a part of. I loved youth conferences and camps. I enjoyed playing chess and table tennis. I learned to play the flute, piano and guitar. I had fun chatting with adults visiting our home. We never used internet as we did not have it. I studied from textbooks and only went to the library when we had assignments. I used encyclopedia. Looking back, I can say that my knowledge of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ made me unique. It enabled me to endure and overcome the difficulties of growing up. While other teens were busy with the trends at that time, I loved going to my seminary classes. I participated in projects and programs that helped develop my talents. I learned to avoid risky behaviors and had a positive attitude about the future. My understanding of our Heavenly Father's plan of happiness h...