Children and Sundays

Keeping our children in church was not always easy, but it was worth the effort! We have been doing it for years before this pandemic. From their very first Sunday for their naming and blessing to the ordaining of our youngest son as a deacon. We went to church with all the bags packed, clothes buttoned up, shoes slipped on and all. As I observe, having one baby in church can be difficult for some. Fathers and mothers taking turns in taking out a crying or yelling child. Having a baby, a toddler, a preschooler, and a first grader in church felt like a marathon and was exhausting. Stopping a baby from crawling out of the aisle, while another child needs reminder to sit still. It was noisy, messy, distracting, and so on. Whew! Well, yes. I even can't imagine now how we managed to do them for about 16 years!Thanks to my diligent husband. For years before Sundays, he would usually see to it that everything was prepared. He gets the clothes mend...