LIFE'S LESSONS LEARNED, Personal Reflections

Today, I commend my reading buddy, Anatolin, who also finished reading President Dallin H. Oaks' book, LIFE'S LESSONS LEARNED, Personal Reflections. President Oaks gets personal sharing his experiences that helped shape his life, from being raised by a widowed mother, losing his wife to cancer, to making the transition to full-time Church service as a General Authority. Anatolin shared learning more deeply the purpose of adversity, the importance of respecting those with whom we disagree personally or politically, the merits and limitations of law, the blessings of tithing, the seeming conflict between science and religion, the Lord's use of imperfect people to further His work, and the power of the Atonement to recover those who have fallen behind. President Oaks' powerful testimony of the Savior and His mission were woven throughout the book.