First Day of the Year 2022

In 2021, we experienced much joy and challenges, moments of faith and moments of uncertainty, successes and failures, opportunities to exercise our faith, repent, make covenants and have spiritual experiences. We are grateful for the strength beyond our own and not giving up in our efforts to obey God and continue to progress in our covenant path. 

We welcomed 2022 here at Morning Breaks Office, Bauang LU. I woke up at 6 in the morning and found Anatolin reading the scripture. We prepared our breakfast together and had our companionship study. 
This year, we are both excited to study the Old Testament, one of the world's oldest collections of writings, yet it is another witness of the divinity of Jesus Christ and His gospel. Our goal is to find personal meaning in the Old Testament and come closer to Jesus Christ by finding Him in our readings and study. We know this is possible with His spiritual guidance, pondering more patiently, and seeking greater faith. 

We are grateful that these ancient writings were miraculously preserved for our day. We know it has spiritual messages prepared for us to help us draw closer to our Heavenly Father and build our faith in His plan and in His Beloved Son. 

For years, every first day of the year, my husband, Anatolin gives each member of our family a priesthood and father's blessing. We are grateful for him as he does his best each day to live worthily as a Melchizedek Priesthood holding husband and father and the privileges he has to bless our family. 

Our recent family visit in His holy house also reminds us of our temple covenants. We know that as we keep our covenants, He will endow us with His healing, strengthening power. Surely, we will need His power in the days ahead. 


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