Our Personal GPS

Have you also felt confused and lack direction in your life? I think it's too early for me to go through this midlife crisis but recently, I often have this feeling of either being stuck or having too much of something that it spreads me thin. I tend to absorb in my system so much information and knowledge that it gets hard to assess when enough is enough. Financial literacy, healthy eating and exercise, good parenting, entrepreneurship and all. Having too much information in our mind can lead us into thinking we need to figure it all out before we get started. Too much of anything can become toxic, even oxygen. Today, I was reminded of life's great lessons from my personal study of Come, Follow Me- For Individuals and Families: Book of Mormon 2020 and reading The Secret Book by Rhonda Byrne. Jack Canfield, co-athor of The Secret, author of The Success Principles and co-creator of the phenomenal number one New York Times bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul series taug...