
Showing posts with the label BYU Idaho

Continuing Education

This time last year, despite our tight schedule, we prioritized enrolling in BYU Pathway Connect because we knew it would help us elevate our practical, professional and university skills, and we were right! We completed the course after a year. It has helped us become better disciple leaders. It has increased our ability to serve our family and everyone around us. We have developed good habits and skills that have eternal consequences. Our desire to be more self-reliant has deepened. We were reminded that support, understanding, and spiritual guidance cannot come from the emotionally starved and spiritually weak. In his talk, " Two Principles for Any Economy " President Dieter F. Uchtdorf has said: "Education is not so much the filling of a bucket as the lighting of a fire. For members of the Church, education is not merely a good idea—it’s a commandment." In the April 2009 Ensign article "Learning and Latter-day Saints, " Elder Dallin H. Oaks taught: ...