Sacred Dwellings | The Sanctity of our Homes and the Role of Temples

Having recently moved to a new neighborhood and community closer to the Urdaneta Temple, we started the week on a positive note with a morning devotional.

As a family, we studied Elder Gary E. Stevenson's conference talk years ago, entitled "Sacred Homes, Sacred Temples." In his address, he emphasizes the importance of creating sacred spaces within our homes and the significance of temples in our lives. From his message, we can derive valuable lessons on the sanctity of our homes and the role of temples in our spiritual journey.

Lesson 1: Creating Sacred Spaces
Our homes can be sacred spaces where we invite the Spirit and nurture our relationships together. 
Just as temples are dedicated to the Lord and are places of worship and revelation, our homes can also be sanctuaries where we invite the Spirit to dwell. By creating an environment of love, respect, and harmony within our homes, we can make them sacred spaces where we feel the presence of God and strengthen our family bonds.

Lesson 2: Importance of Temples
Temples are houses of the Lord where sacred ordinances are performed and where we draw closer to Him.
Temples are not just beautiful buildings; they are places where essential ordinances are performed that bind families together for eternity. Elder Stevenson reminds us of the blessings that come from temple attendance and encourages us to make temples a priority in our lives. By attending the temple regularly and participating in ordinances, we can draw closer to our Heavenly Father and receive guidance and blessings.
Lesson 3: Strengthening Family Relationships
The temple strengthens family relationships and provides a foundation of faith and unity.
The role of temples in strengthening family relationships and building a foundation of faith is significant. Just as families can be together forever through temple ordinances, our homes can be a place where we cultivate love, respect, and unity among family members. By prioritizing temple worship and creating a sacred atmosphere in our homes, we can strengthen our family relationships and draw closer to God.
Lesson 4: Personal Commitment to Sacredness
Each individual has a responsibility to uphold sacredness in their homes and in their personal lives.
Personal commitment in creating sacredness in our homes and in our personal lives is very important. By living in accordance with gospel principles, striving to be worthy to enter the temple, and fostering a spirit of reverence and love within our families, we can uphold the sacredness of our homes and invite the blessings of the Lord into our lives. 

Finally, I particularly love the part of Elder Stevenson's  talk where he recounted Elder Glen Jenson of the Seventy inviting all those present at a stake conference to take a virtual tour of their homes using their spiritual eyes. 

Now, let me share what Elder Stevenson said as he would like to invite each of us to do this also. "Wherever your home may be and whatever its configuration, the application of eternal gospel principles within its walls is universal. Let’s begin. Imagine that you are opening your front door and walking inside your home. What do you see, and how do you feel? Is it a place of love, peace, and refuge from the world, as is the temple? Is it clean and orderly? As you walk through the rooms of your home, do you see uplifting images which include appropriate pictures of the temple and the Savior? Is your bedroom or sleeping area a place for personal prayer? Is your gathering area or kitchen a place where food is prepared and enjoyed together, allowing uplifting conversation and family time? Are scriptures found in a room where the family can study, pray, and learn together? Can you find your personal gospel study space? Does the music you hear or the entertainment you see, online or otherwise, offend the Spirit? Is the conversation uplifting and without contention? That concludes our tour. Perhaps you, as I, found a few spots that need some “home improvement”—hopefully not an 'extreme home makeover.'

Whether our living space is large or small, humble or extravagant, there is a place for each of these gospel priorities in each of our homes."

Though it will take more weeks and even months to organize our new home, today, we learned valuable lessons on the sanctity of our homes and the significance of temples in our spiritual growth. By creating sacred spaces within our homes, prioritizing temple worship, strengthening family relationships, and upholding personal commitment to sacredness, we can draw closer to our Heavenly Father, experience His blessings, and find peace and joy in our lives.

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