Record Keeping and Family History

“I urge all the people of this church to give serious attention to their family histories, to encourage their parents and grandparents to write their journals, and let no family go into eternity without having left their memoirs for their children, their grandchildren, and their posterity. This is a duty and a responsibility. ... Those who keep a book of remembrance are more likely to keep the Lord in remembrance in their daily lives. Journals are a way of counting our blessings and of leaving an inventory of these blessings for our posterity.”  -Spencer W. Kimball

In the days of Adam, genealogy was kept. In the days of Nephi, how glad the people were when they received the records of their fathers, and hundreds of years after Lehi came to the promised land, men could rise up and say, "I am a descendant of Nephi, or Jacob, or Zoram," because they kept these records.

In the early stage of our marriage, Anatolin and I did our best to capture memories of our growing family. We posted them on Friendster and Multiply which eventually shut down. I am afraid Facebook, Instagram, and other social media sites will not also stand through time. In the Church, we have a very good system of keeping records and it is because of the commandments which have been given to us by the Lord. For years, we have saved our family records at Family Search. We believe that they are safely kept in the archives of the Church. We want everything of importance recorded. It is necessary for us to keep vital records of our families. Accurate information on births, marriages, deaths, blessings, baptisms, ordinations and other ordinances. If we have accomplished something worthwhile during the day, we put it down. It may be of use to our posterity. 

I lost my mom to illness when I was 11 years old. She was 39 going 40. I am now 38 raising my own growing family with a faithful husband. This piece of memory gives me strength in fulfilling my role as a mother especially in times of hardship. This Certificate of Achievement was given to my dear mother, Evelyn Delgado Estayo on 19th February 1987 (I was 5 years old then) in acknowledgment of her outstanding achievement and contribution to the well-being of her family through her successful completion of QUALIFYING PROJECT Welfare Services Program of the Philippine Baguio Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The health, well-being, and happiness of her family have been significantly enhanced as were the lives of others through her faithful example.  Signed by Bishop Federico S. Balagot Jr and Resource Specialist, Felipe L. De Guzman (Both have also gone beyond the veil)

Wow! My mom must have done something extraordinary! I remember her keeping journals- something I picked up from her. The memories were so profound that I still see in my mind her love and reverence for Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.  Every day, she chose to do good works and showed God’s influence in her life by being a light not only to her family but also to everyone around her.

In keeping a journal, we have the opportunity to preserve our thoughts, feelings, and experiences. They will indeed be a source of great inspiration to our families, our children, our grandchildren, and others, on through the generations.

“Begin today and write in it your goings and comings, your deepest thoughts, your achievements and your failures, your associations and your triumphs, your impressions and your testimonies.”
—President Spencer W. Kimball

How about you? Do you record the story of your life, your triumphs over adversity, your recovery after a fall, your progress when all seemed black, and all your rejoicings? Comment your answer below. 


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